Lavatera Mary Hope


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SKU: lavatera-mary-hope Category:
Common Name: Tree Mallow
Size: 2-3 litre
Hardiness: H5
Hardiness Ratings

All ratings refer to the UK growing conditions unless otherwise stated. Minimum temperature ranges (in degrees ˚C) are shown in brackets

  • H1a: under glass all year (>15˚C)
  • H1b: can be grown outside in the summer (10 - 15 ˚C)
  • H1c: can be grown outside in the summer (5 - 10 ˚C)
  • H2: tolerant of low temperatures, but not surviving being frozen (1 to 5 ˚C)
  • H3: hardy in coastal and relatively mild parts of the UK (-5 to 1 ˚C)
  • H4: hardy through most of the UK (-10 to -5 ˚C)
  • H5: hardy in most places throughout the UK even in severe winters (-15 to -10 ˚C)
  • H6: hardy in all of UK and northern Europe (-20 to -15 ˚C)
  • H7: hardy in the severest European continental climates (< -20 ˚C)
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2-3 Litre Pot

  • Position: Full sun
  • Soil: Moist, well drained
  • Growth rate: Fast
  • Flowering period: Summer
  • Hardiness: H5
  • Eventual height: 1 – 1.5m
  • Eventual spread: 1 – 1.5m

Lavatera Mary Hope is a delightful and eye-catching perennial that enchants with its abundant display of flowers. This particular variety is cherished for its showy blooms, compact size, and its ability to attract pollinators, making it a valuable addition to any garden.

It is a compact and bushy perennial, typically reaching a height of about 1.5 metres and forms a rounded shape with multiple upright stems branching out from the base. The leaves are palmate, lobed, and soft green, providing an attractive backdrop for the vibrant flowers.

The main attraction of this Lavatera is its profusion of large, saucer-shaped flowers. These blooms are white with a bright pink centre, adding a burst of colour to any garden. The petals are delicately veined and overlap, creating a ruffled effect. The flowers appear in abundance from mid to late Summer and continue to bloom until early Autumn, attracting bees, butterflies, and other pollinators to the garden.

How to care for your Lavatera Mary Hope

  • Planting: Choose a location that receives full sun. Prepare the soil by loosening it and incorporating organic matter, such as compost, to improve drainage and fertility. Dig a hole slightly larger than the root ball, place the plant in the hole, and backfill with soil, gently firming it around the base.
  • Watering: Water the plant thoroughly after planting and continue to provide regular watering during the growing season. Aim to keep the soil consistently moist but avoid water logging. Deep watering is preferable to frequent shallow watering, as it encourages the development of a robust root system.
  • Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as wood chips or straw, around the base of the plant. Mulching helps retain soil moisture, suppresses weed growth, and insulates the roots from temperature fluctuations. Maintain a gap between the mulch and the stem to prevent moisture-related issues.
  • Pruning: Benefits from annual pruning in early Spring to maintain its shape, remove dead or damaged growth, and promote vigorous new growth. Cut back the plant to about one-third of its height, ensuring to prune just above a healthy bud or outward-facing node.
  • Fertilisation: Apply a balanced slow-release fertiliser in Spring when new growth appears. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding the dosage and application method. Avoid excessive nitrogen fertilisation, as it may lead to excessive foliage growth at the expense of flowers.

By following these care instructions, you can ensure that your Lavatera Mary Hope thrives and continues to produce its white flowers, adding beauty and charm to your garden.

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Lets Go Planting


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