Euonymus Fortunei Golden Harlequin


5 in stock

SKU: euonymus-fortunei-golden-harlequin Categories: ,
Common Name: Spindle
Size: 2-3 litre
Hardiness: H5
Hardiness Ratings

All ratings refer to the UK growing conditions unless otherwise stated. Minimum temperature ranges (in degrees ˚C) are shown in brackets

  • H1a: under glass all year (>15˚C)
  • H1b: can be grown outside in the summer (10 - 15 ˚C)
  • H1c: can be grown outside in the summer (5 - 10 ˚C)
  • H2: tolerant of low temperatures, but not surviving being frozen (1 to 5 ˚C)
  • H3: hardy in coastal and relatively mild parts of the UK (-5 to 1 ˚C)
  • H4: hardy through most of the UK (-10 to -5 ˚C)
  • H5: hardy in most places throughout the UK even in severe winters (-15 to -10 ˚C)
  • H6: hardy in all of UK and northern Europe (-20 to -15 ˚C)
  • H7: hardy in the severest European continental climates (< -20 ˚C)
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2-3 Litre Pot

  • Position: Full sun, partial shade
  • Soil: Moist, well drained
  • Growth Rate: Average
  • Flowering Period: April – May
  • Hardiness: H5
  • Eventual Height: 1.1m
  • Eventual Spread: 1.1m

Euonymus Golden Harlequin, also known as ‘Spindle’ is a cultivar of the popular Euonymus Fortunei, a species of evergreen shrub native to China and Japan. It is known for its striking variegated foliage, featuring green and yellow leaves. The leaves are a bright yellow colour with green margins that become tinged with pink in Autumn and Winter and was selected for its unique leaf colour and has been a popular landscape plant since its introduction.

One of the best features of this Euonymus is its ability to add a splash of colour to any landscape. Its variegated leaves are a striking contrast to the green foliage of other plants and can add a touch of interest to any garden. It can be grown as a shrub or trained as a vine, making it a great choice for small gardens and it will look great in any garden. It is also a great choice for adding colour to a dull wall or fence.

Euonymus Golden Harlequin is a versatile and easy-to-grow plant, making it a great choice for gardeners of all skill levels. Its unique variegated leaves will add a touch of interest to any landscape, making it a great choice for any garden. With proper care and attention, it will thrive and add a unique touch of interest to any landscape. This plant is also a popular choice for hedging and topiary as well.

How to care for your Euonymus Fortunei Golden Harlequin

  1. Light: Provide bright, indirect light or partial shade.
  2. Water: Water regularly and thoroughly, allowing the soil to dry out slightly between waterings.
  3. Soil: Plant in well-draining soil and provide good air circulation.
  4. Fertiliser: Fertilise monthly during the growing season with a balanced fertiliser.
  5. Pruning: Prune to control size and shape, and to promote healthy growth.

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