Achillea Millefolium Lilac Beauty


SKU: achillea-millefolium-lilac-beauty Category:
Common Name: Yarrow
Size: 2-3 LITRE
Hardiness: H7
Hardiness Ratings

All ratings refer to the UK growing conditions unless otherwise stated. Minimum temperature ranges (in degrees ˚C) are shown in brackets

  • H1a: under glass all year (>15˚C)
  • H1b: can be grown outside in the summer (10 - 15 ˚C)
  • H1c: can be grown outside in the summer (5 - 10 ˚C)
  • H2: tolerant of low temperatures, but not surviving being frozen (1 to 5 ˚C)
  • H3: hardy in coastal and relatively mild parts of the UK (-5 to 1 ˚C)
  • H4: hardy through most of the UK (-10 to -5 ˚C)
  • H5: hardy in most places throughout the UK even in severe winters (-15 to -10 ˚C)
  • H6: hardy in all of UK and northern Europe (-20 to -15 ˚C)
  • H7: hardy in the severest European continental climates (< -20 ˚C)
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2-3 Litre Pot

  • Position: Full sun
  • Soil: Moist-Well drained/sometimes dry
  • Growth Rate: Average
  • Flowering Period: June – September
  • Hardiness: H7
  • Eventual Height: 80cm
  • Eventual Spread: 40cm

Achillea Millefolium Lilac Beauty, commonly known as Yarrow, is an eye catching hardy herbaceous perennial of compact habit that produce masses of long lasting clusters of lilac coloured flowers formed on stout stems above the aromatic grey-green fern-like foliage.  A perfect pollinator attracting butterflies, bees and other beneficial insects to the garden. A must for the mixed border providing an eye catching colourful display over a long period. A favourite amongst the florists for cut flower arrangements and suitable for a dried flower display in Winter.

Looking After Your Achillea Millefolium Lilac Beauty

Generally pest and disease free an easy to grow herbaceous perennial in many if not all locations. A low maintenance plant which will tolerate a wide range of soil conditions as long as it’s free draining, and will benefit from a sunny area in all types of garden from the informal cottage planting schemes to the more formal town or courtyard gardens, also suitable for growing in our coastal areas, the sunnier the position the better the flower colour and production. Dead head or cut back the stems after flowering regularly to extend the blooming season. Cut down to ground level late Winter/early Spring when you can also lift and divide to increase stock or move to another site.

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