Category: Shrubs

Ribes Somerset White

Ribes Somerset White

In the enchanting realm of UK gardens, Ribes Somerset White, the white flowering currant, emerges as a captivating shrub, bringing a delicate touch of elegance to outdoor spaces. Celebrated for its cascading clusters of fragrant, white blossoms, this deciduous beauty not only graces the landscape with its charming blooms but also stands out as an excellent choice for hedging.Ribes Somerset White

Pruning and caring for Ribes ‘Somerset White’ are key to maintaining its hedging appeal and ensuring its overall health. Regular pruning in late winter or early spring helps shape the shrub and promotes denser growth, making it an ideal candidate for hedging. Remove any dead or crowded branches to enhance air circulation and stimulate new flowering shoots. This white flowering currant thrives in well-drained soil and prefers a sunny to partially shaded location, offering versatility in various garden settings.

As an attractive and fragrant hedging option, Ribes ‘Somerset White’ becomes a favored selection among UK gardeners. Its ability to provide both visual interest and a functional garden boundary showcases the versatility of this deciduous shrub. With proper pruning and care, this white flowering currant becomes a living tapestry of blooms, transforming UK gardens into fragrant havens of natural beauty.

Abutilon Kentish Belle

Abutilon Kentish Belle
Abutilon Kentish Belle

Step into a world of enchantment with Abutilon Kentish Belle, a flowering maple that graces UK gardens with its captivating presence. Also known as the “Chinese lantern” shrub, this beauty weaves a tapestry of vibrant colours, adding an exotic touch to British gardens.

Abutilon Kentish Belle boasts distinctive lantern-like blooms that dangle gracefully from its branches, creating a mesmerising display of hues ranging from yellow to deep reds. This compact shrub, reminiscent of its native habitats, brings a touch of elegance and uniqueness to UK gardens.

Commonly referred to as the “flowering maple,” Abutilon Kentish Belle is well-suited for both sunny and partially shaded areas in the United Kingdom. Although adaptable to various soil conditions it will require some protection in the colder weather.

Pruning and Care: To ensure the continuous blooming splendour of Abutilon Kentish Belle, consider periodic pruning. Trim back any dead or unruly branches, focusing on shaping the shrub in late winter or early spring. Regular deadheading of spent blooms encourages prolonged flowering. With well-drained soil, consistent watering, and a touch of pruning finesse, Abutilon Kentish Belle will flourish, painting your UK garden with a radiant display of Chinese lantern-like blossoms and infusing it with a captivating charm.